Friday, 12 November 2010

12 The long and irritating way to a decent painting when my creativity seems to have gone a way for a hollyday. Or a recipie for bad sleep.

Start out with a halfass freehand sketch directly at the canvas

Convince yourself that it might be nice when the shadows are in place

 It only needs some more colours and it actually starts to look OK

Start doubting your decision of leaving the eyes white and paint in the eyes. Get mad at yourself and spray over the eyes with shock red. "It might look cool and if you don't do it you will never know"

Now you know and it didn't look cool. Paint the whole thing over with White and start over.

This time with a sketch

This time with eyes

This is not done yet and I don't know if it will come out OK, keep reading my blog and you will find out. 

1 comment:

  1. Underbart att följa processen. Från en vilsen utan blick (introvert tolkar jag) till en distingerat herre med en väldigt tydlig blick. Någon jag känner igen, kanske en av skagenmålarna, kanske ett självporträtt?
